All our bars are certified Fairtrade!

Chocolate tastes best when it is fair, which is why we only make Fairtrade Chocolate.

In our new COVID norm, people appreciate (and understand) the positive impact their spending can have on people's lives. It's heartwarming to see so many people supporting local businesses.

As part of Fairtrade Fortnight (which runs until 20 August) we also want to encourage people and businesses to consider what impact their choices have on a global scale.

By thinking bigger and choosing to buy or sell Fairtrade goods sold by Kiwi businesses, we can magnify our collective impact and contribute to the wellbeing of food producers across the globe.

The Benefits of Ethical Business

Integrity is at the heart of what we do at WCF because the cocoa industry is fraught with serious issues.  

Most of the chocolate Kiwis buy is made from cacao beans farmed in countries where poverty, deforestation, gender inequality and child labour are commonplace - and consumers are often none the wiser.

Fairtrade Cocoa Suppliers are the only certifiers that guarantee farmers are paid a premium price, compared to the volatile price the market would otherwise offer them.

Since January (and when COVID-19 hit) the market price for cocoa beans has dropped by 13%. Growers are receiving even less while working in terrible conditions and dealing with a global pandemic.

Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, Tea and Bananas are just some of the Fairtrade products that can change people's lives – and it all starts with the decision for a business owner to sell and support ethical products.

Encouraging a Generational Shift

Commonsense Organics sells Fairtrade and ethical goods. Teva Stewart, Head of Retail, says demand is consistent for Fairtrade chocolate, with sales worth $4.5 million over the last five years. However, there is a generational gap when it comes to buying Fairtrade goods.

"Consumers are looking for ethical options in all categories, and chocolate is no exception.”

"While Fairtrade has been around for a few decades, it seems younger generations of shoppers don't understand as well the positive impact buying Fairtrade can have on people's lives.”

"They have so many other things to consider - packaging, pesticide use, food miles and dietary needs - Fairtrade can be drowned out in the mix," says Teva Stewart.

We want people to understand by choosing Fairtrade products (and chocolate); you're helping end slavery, poverty, and deforestation. You're also helping provide education opportunities and lifting living standards for 263,825 cocoa farmers (and their families) in 21 countries —the power of purchasing at your local shop Fairtrade sends ripples around the world.

Not Every Ethical Certification is Equal

Each year demand for Fairtrade products grows as businesses and consumers understand the true nature of global trade and make conscious choices.

However, not every certification is equal, so businesses need to carefully consider what they support.

Molly Harriss Olson, CEO of Fairtrade Australia & New Zealand says the Fairtrade system is designed to ensure that the supply chains have integrity and transparency.

"This means current, and future generations of cocoa farmers can have sustainable livelihoods and choose their path to development and the future."

For us, one of the most rewarding aspects of making and selling Fairtrade chocolate is the wonderful people we meet, and knowing we are all on a mission to end centuries of misery for small independent farmers- without whom we wouldn't have an industry. Plus, we also get to make some great chocolate!

If you're a business owner and are considering your next ethical step, you can find out more at https://fairtradeanz.org/