Custom wrapper FAQ


Uploading a custom wrapper is a great way to personalise your chocolate bars on your Chocolatier tour! 

While the image-uploading process should work seamlessly here are a few tips to make your wrapper shine.

Start with a high-quality image. The better resolution image you provide the better the final print looks.

Choose a well-lit image with the focus point in the centre. See the diagram below for the finished wrapper size and where the folds are to plan out how your final wrapped bar will look.


Our wrappers are in a portrait raito (4:5) - if the image you provide is not in this ratio, you will be asked to crop it to it.

Please note that custom wrappers are only available for our tours. You must upload your wrapper 7 days before your scheduled tour. If you upload it after this we cannot guarantee it will be printed in time for your tour.


  • You must upload your wrapper 7 days before your scheduled tour. If you upload it after this we cannot guarantee it will be printed in time for your tour.
  • Custom wrappers are only available for our Chocolatier tours.
  • File size is limited to 10MB.
  • WCF reserves the right to adjust the provided image (if needed) during the printing process.
  • WCF reserves the right to refuse printing of material that we deem defamatory, obscene, indecent, harassing, threatening or pornographic.
  • By uploading an image you agree that you will not, to the best of your knowledge, upload files that contain viruses or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate our systems, data or personal information.